<![CDATA[Term Limits for US Congress PAC - TL4USC- Blog]]>Sun, 15 Dec 2024 15:24:20 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[Why does TL4USC think 12 Years Max?]]>Wed, 12 Jun 2024 04:00:00 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/why-does-tl4usc-think-12-years-max82% of Americans agree an Amendment needs to be added to the US Constitution limiting how long a person can spend as a member of the US Congress.
The question then becomes, “What should the limit be?”

Everyone has their own opinion as to the answer for the above question, including our PAC.  Before I tell you what we would like to see, you need to understand some important information impacting the decision.  You also need to understand why we are not placing our suggested Amendment on the Term Limits Petition we are asking everyone to sign.

First, why isn’t our suggested Amendment on the petition?
Right now, the goal is to get everyone to stand together and let the State Legislatures know we want them to apply for an Article 5 Convention for Term Limits. Major groups across the nation each have their own preference for the Amendment. Adding a definitive number of years to our petition would keep the groups from working together.
Once an Article 5 Convention for Term Limits is called, THAT is when we will all voice our opinions as to what we want in the Amendment.
Before we talk about our suggested Amendment, it is necessary to have a firm understanding of what the current terms are and why.  A great deal of thought and intent by some brilliant minds went into the original design and we would be foolish to not take their efforts into consideration.
The original intent, prior to the 17th Amendment (ratified in 1913), was that the Senate would represent the will of the State Governments and the House of Representatives would represent the will of the people.
The 17th Amendment changed that intent.  Rather than Senators being appointed by the State Governments, they now receive the position by popular election.  This is an ongoing point of contention, with the State Governments feeling they no longer have any voice in the governing of the country, or the laws being made that impact the governing of their own sovereign States.
The decision to make a term in the Senate six years was come to for several reasons.
Many do not realize that the Senate is divided into three groups and the two senators from a state are not in the same group.  Every two years, the members of one of the groups are up for election.  This ensures that at any given time, 2/3’s of the Senate has a minimum of two years experience and every state has at least one senator beyond the learning curve.
This is especially important when you consider times of war or national disaster where decisions and actions cannot be delayed by too many people not knowing how to do their jobs.
A second reason for the 6-year Senate term was the accepted belief that fluctuations in opinions and needs at a State level of government do not occur nearly as often or as quickly as public opinions and needs at district levels.
And finally, the 6-year Senate term created an intentional overlap in terms between the two Senators with offset election cycles and the State Governors, who usually serve a 4-year term.
The House of Representatives on the other hand was given a 2-year term to create a more dynamic environment, where the fluctuation in the opinions of the people would be reflected more quickly.  If a Representative was not reflecting the will of the people in his/her district, they never had to put up with him/her for more than two years.
Between a Representative serving 2 years, a Governor serving 4 years, and two Senators serving 6 years with offset election cycles, you create a well-meshed system that maintains a level of experience for the States at all times.
I am pointing this out because if we throw a stick in the gears by deciding on a term limit length that does not blend well with the existing system, we put at risk the entire well thought out construction.  And, we greatly reduce the possibility of States supporting us if they feel that our numbers reduce the efficiency of the system.
The above is why I came up with the idea of 12 years max in Congress, which is equal to two Senate terms or six House terms.  This is the TOTAL number of years combined in the House and Senate.  It can be 12 in the House OR 12 in the Senate OR any combination, but NO ONE gets to spend more than 12 years max in Congress in his or her lifetime. 
This allows the limit to blend well with the existing 2-year House term, 4-year Governor term, and the offset 6-year Senate terms.  12 years is a great deal of experience, but not long enough to be a career.
By using a blanket of 12 YEARS MAX in Congress we also avoid the pitfall that some States have discovered by making different limits for their House of Representatives and their Senate.  A common state level Term Limit package has been 3 two-year terms in the House and 2 six-year terms in the Senate.  The problem with this is that the turnover rate in the house is so fast that you always have 33% of the House not knowing what they are doing and 33% getting ready to be term limited out.  The confusion this causes leads to the unelected bureaucrats running the show.
12 YEARS MAX(equal to 2 six-year Senate terms) in Congress allows for both the House and the Senate to have the same amount of experience and the same turnover rate so you don’t create a lopsided environment where one has more power and experience than the other.
I hope this helps.  The first big hurdle of course is getting the Article 5 Convention called for Term Limits, but this should give you something to think about after we get there.
Bob Reid
Founder/Executive Director
Term Limits for US Congress- PAC

Once we have all come together and succeeded in convincing the State Legislatures to apply for an Article 5 Convention for Term Limits, here is the Amendment we wish to see presented:
“No person shall be elected or appointed as a member of the United States Congress if the duration of the term for which the person is elected or appointed, in its entirety as defined within Article 1 of the United States Constitution, would result in the person serving more than 12 years of his or her life in the United States Congress.
Upon ratification of this amendment, a current member of the United States Congress, whose total number of years in the United States Congress exceeds 12, shall be allowed to complete the existing term for which he or she has been previously elected.  Said allowance for completion of the existing term shall not justify exclusion for the member from actions beyond the scope of this Amendment that lead to termination from the United States Congress prior to the completion of the existing term.”
<![CDATA[Adding a Term Limits Amendment WITHOUT Congress's Approval]]>Tue, 16 Apr 2024 04:00:00 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/the-2nd-option-of-article-5-how-to-bypass-congressWhen we talk about adding an Amendment to the US Constitution placing Term limits on US Congress, the most common argument you hear is, "Congress will never pass an Amendment limiting themselves." And, they're right. The second most common response is "We need to get this put on a ballot so we can vote on it."

Let's clear up the second response first.  Adding an Amendment to the US Constitution cannot be placed on a ballot.  There are only two ways to add an Amendment and they are defined in Article 5 of the US Constitution.

What many don't realize is the SECOND Option in Article 5 is done by the State Legislatures and does NOT require Congress's approval.

Here's how both Adding Amendment Options in Article 5 work:

The 1st Option, which most folks already know is when Congress votes in both the House & Senate for a new Amendment and if it passes in both with a Super-Majority, it then goes out to the States and must be ratified by 38 States (The 38 State ratification is the "safety net" since there aren't 38 States leaning to the left or to the right, so only non-partisan Amendments stand a chance of getting ratified and added to the US Constitution.)

The 2nd Option, which is know by few, is when 34 State Legislatures pass an application for an Article 5 Convention for the same topic, an Article 5 Convention is called.

At the Convention, they debate the verbiage they want in the Amendment and then vote on it. If it passes the vote at the Convention, it gets returned to the States where it must be ratified by 38 States.

As I mentioned before, the 38 State ratification process is the SAME process used if Congress passes an Amendment and is the "safety net" for either option. I mention this again because there are a lot of powerful people that don't want Americans to use this process because it puts control back in the hands of the people and the States. They try to scare folks away from an Article 5 Convention by saying it puts the Constitution at risk, but as I've pointed out, with the ratification process, both Option 1 and Option 2 are EQUALLY SAFE!
<![CDATA[4 Major Players for Term Limits]]>Wed, 10 Jan 2024 05:00:00 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/4-major-players-for-term-limitsThere are four major players on the national board working to add an Amendment to the US Constitution placing Term Limits on the US Congress.  They are our PAC, Term Limits for US Congress, U.S. Term Limits, Convention of States Project, and a caucus within the US Congress itself. Each of the four has their strengths and weaknesses.
Two years ago I called a meeting in Harrisonburg, Virginia, inviting members of each to join us to discuss our strengths and weaknesses and how working together will increase the probability of success and reduce the timeline in achieving this monumental goal.  All who attended agreed on the need. Unfortunately, Covid put a kink in the plans, delaying the timeline. The good news is things are picking back up.
As a simple overview, these are the strengths and weaknesses of each of the 4.

Convention of States Project:
COS was established by Citizens for Self-Governance, which has very strong Tea Party affiliations. They are well funded and are successful with State Legislators where the GOP holds the majority in both the State House and State Senate.

Their weakness is their including three amendments in their Article 5 Application, one of which is seen by the Democratic Party as partisan, so all votes to date have been a solid party-line divide. Being there are not 34 states in which the GOP holds the majority in both the state house and state senate, the probability of success for COS alone is not very high.
U.S. Term Limits
USTL is a lobbying company that has been lobbying for term limits at all levels for the past 30 years. They have a great deal of experience lobbying and a 30-year-developed business and donor base.
Their weakness is while they have some great folks, they are known as lobbyists, not activists, by both State Legislators and US Congress, with the typical baggage that accompanies lobbyists.
US Congress
The strength of members of Congress supporting Term Limits is their visibility and connections.
Their weakness is with seniority equaling authority in Congress, they have nearly zero probability of success at this time, although the closer we get to an Article 5 Convention for Term Limits, the higher the probability Congress will pass a Term Limits Amendment to avoid the occurrence of the Convention.
Term Limits for US Congress- Political Action Committee
Our strength is we are activists, non-partisan and represent the people without being bound by party-affiliations. We focus a great deal of effort on a Term Limits Petition which will be submitted to the State Legislators when asking they pass the application for the Article 5 Convention for Term Limits.
Our goal of 5 Million signatures would average 100,000 signatures per state.  While petitions do not carry much weight at the national level, when you’re dealing with State Legislators, who win or lose their elections by a few thousand votes, and who typically are closer to their constituents than federal positions, 100,000 signatures from their constituents is very powerful.
Our weakness as a volunteer, activist organization is a lack of experience and funding.  We are learning and growing, but we to date have been the turtle in the race.
Recognizing the need to work together, our Political Action Committee, being non-partisan and a grassroots activist organization with no political affiliations, we have begun setting up an Advisory Board which will include leadership representation from all four players in addition to a few members with skillsets to well-round the experience and knowledge base.
Now you know who the players on the national board are. We will work together. And, we will add a Term Limits Amendment to the US Constitution.

While Covid restrictions created a hurdle since the original meeting, the engines are revving back up, and the players are hungry for success.
Bob Reid
Founder/Executive Director
Term Limits for US Congress-PAC
<![CDATA[INCUMBENT ADVANTAGE]]>Fri, 21 Apr 2023 04:00:00 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/incumbent-advantageOne of the most common questions is HOW do these corrupt politicians keep getting re-elected?

Only two out of three eligible voters bother to vote.  80% of those who do vote, confess to voting based on name recognition, party lines, and media exposure prior to an election. Let’s look at how that relates to the party’s support helping an incumbent stay in office.

Name recognition.  If a person is already in office, he/she is pretty much guaranteed to receive the votes of those casting their ballets based on name recognition.

Party line.  If a party decides to support an incumbent, 98% of the time the incumbent will win in the primaries and the incumbent’s name will be on the ballot under that party.  The incumbent will receive the votes of those casting their ballets based on party lines.

Media Exposure. Media exposure is incredibly expensive. If an incumbent is wealthy, he/she will buy media exposure.  If a party supports the incumbent, the party will request that their supporters donate to the incumbent. 

Finally, we have Lobbyists. Lobbyists have confessed it takes millions and years to buy a member of Congress. It is worth the investment due to the rule of Congress where seniority equals authority.  The longer they can keep a bought member in Congress, the more powerful that person becomes. As a result, Lobbyists are more than willing to shovel money into an incumbent's campaign.

Between funding support from the party and funding from Lobbyists, an incumbent typically has 10 to 12 times as much money as a challenger. AND, money buys media exposure during campaigning!

Look at the above.

The incumbent received 80% of the votes based on these three issues.

In an ideal world adding term limits to Congress would not be necessary. But, we don't live in an ideal world. We live in a world where the above three issues result in a re-election rate over 90% regardless of an incumbent's actions or moral character.

<![CDATA[DISCONNECT OF CAREER POLITICIANS FROM A PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE]]>Fri, 26 Aug 2022 04:00:00 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/disconnect-of-career-politicians​One of the three paramount concerns for career politicians in Congress is the disconnect from society developed over time.

What were you doing 20 years ago?  How about 30 years ago? Take a second to really think about it. Are you the same person now that you were then?

The odds are that you were a very different person 30 years ago.  What your priorities were; what seemed important then; how you viewed others and yourself; and your basic attitude towards life and those around you has probably changed a great deal.  We are shaped by our environment, by those with whom we interact, and repetitious behavior.

Here’s an example. Imagine that beginning 30 years ago, every day at least 10 or more people told you that you were ugly. This happened EVERY SINGLE DAY!

If you were a confident person, at first you would be ignore them. Next, you would be annoyed. Then, you would find doubt slipping in. 

Regardless of how strong your self-esteem was originally, you would eventually begin believing that you were ugly. It is basic behavioral psychology. Your beliefs and self-image are molded by repetitious and consistent input over a prolonged period.

What does that mean to a person in Congress?  Consider the life style.  When entering Congress you become one of a group of 535 people determining the laws and decisions governing the most powerful country in the world and often influencing other countries throughout the world.

Immediately you find yourself being courted and bowed down to by the wealthiest and most powerful companies, industries, and organizations throughout the country and the world.  Every want or need is catered to in the blink of an eye in hopes of garnering your favor.  Everyone is looking up to you, telling you with their words and their actions that you are different.  You are special.  You are above those around you.

The longer you are exposed to such an environment, the more you are molded.  The more you change and begin to believe that you are better than others.  The more you begin to believe that you are entitled to the treatment that you are receiving and that you are entitled to others complying with your wishes.  It is not possible to remain in such an unusual environment for over a generation without being molded by the repetitious attitude and actions of those around you.

This is the development of an elitist or aristocratic persona.  This is not a subjective opinion.  It is not a dramatization.  It is simple behavioral psychology.]]>
<![CDATA[How Many Article 5 Applications for Term Limits So Far?]]>Fri, 19 Aug 2022 04:00:00 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/how-many-article-5-applications-for-term-limits-so-farWhen talking about using the 2nd Option in Article 5 to add a Term Limits Amendment to the US Constitution, the first question most ask is “How many states have already passed applications for a Term Limits Convention?”
You think it would be a simple answer, but as we all know, when you’re dealing with law or government, nothing is ever simple.
There are 17 State Legislatures who have passed applications for an Article 5 Convention for three topics, one of which is Term Limits for US Congress.  There are 4 State Legislatures who have passed applications for an Article 5 Convention solely for Term Limits for US Congress.
Here’s the tricky part.  You CANNOT add the 17 and 4 together.
When dealing with law, whether it is contracts or legislation, there are logical terms that determine conditions, inclusions, or exclusions.
The 17 States who passed applications for 3 topics did so with inclusive qualifiers. Let me explain.  Imagine you have two bowls. In one bowl you have an orange, an apple, and a pear.  In the second bowl you have just an apple.  You are looking at 20 bowls total. Are all 20 bowls the same?
In the Convention of States Projects application they figuratively said, “We want an orange AND an apple AND a pear.” The problem when you’re speaking legalese is when you use ANDs, it binds the parts together and they can’t be divided up, so you have to look at it as if all 3 pieces of fruit are glued together.  You can’t take the apples (term limits) out of those 17 bowls and add them to the apples(term limits) from the other three bowls.
The problem the Convention of States Project has run into is the Democratic Party sees one of their pieces of fruit, limiting federal government authority, as partisan and has therefore voted against the COS application in every state the application has been voted on.
The Convention of States Project began shortly after I started the Term Limits for US Congress movement and I wrote to the head of COS at the time, warning they would come out strong in States where the GOP held both the State House and State Senate, but once they ran out of such States, they would hit a brick wall due to the Democratic Party seeing one of their topics as partisan.  Unfortunately, my prediction was true and the potential of their application reaching 34 is very low.
Two years ago I called a conference in Harrisonburg, Virginia, and invited members of the other organizations to attend to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each major player, and how the only realistic path to success would be for all of us to work together, to which everyone agreed.
In this meeting one issue we discussed was the bowls of fruit and how the ANDs had created a single path for COS and a major roadblock.  What I suggested is for the Convention of States Project to reword their application to figuratively something such as, “We want an Orange OR we want an Apple OR we want a Pear OR any combination of the three.”  Using ORs creates 7 paths for success for an Article 5 Convention and allows each piece of “fruit” to be used individually while not excluding two or even all three pieces being achieved together.

Now some will argue that the applications for an Article 5 Convention don't have to be identical and will think the 20 can all add together. Well, they should consider this.  The verbiage in Article 5 doesn't say, so if this were to go to the US Supreme Court, the next thing's they'll look at are "intent" and "precedent."

Intent based on documentation at the time is debatable and could go either way, which will leave the court with "precedent." In 1929, Wisconsin approached the US Congress, stating over 34 requests for an Article 5 Convention had been submitted, so they were required to call the Convention.  The US Congress ignored them due to the fact there had not been 34 requests for the same topic.  In the 90 years that have followed, which would be 45 Congresses, an Article 5 Convention has not been called with a result being 46 Congresses have set a "precedent" that an Article 5 Convention will not be called unless 34 States apply for a Convention for the "same" topic.

So, how many applications for an Article 5 Convention have passed that include Term Limits? 21
Can all 21 be counted together towards the 34 needed to call the Convention? No
Should you consider this disheartening? Not at all
We have issues to resolve and coordination to be done, but we know many states have already proven a willingness to make legislative efforts to call an Article 5 Convention to add Term Limits for US Congress.

Covid put a kink in the timeline, slowing progress, but the pace is now picking back up.

Bob Reid
Founder/Executive Director
Term Limits for US Congress- PAC
<![CDATA[A Question For You]]>Mon, 04 Jul 2022 14:39:49 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/a-question-for-youCan you tell me one issue that Congress has caused?

Can you tell me one issue Congress has enflamed?

Can you tell me one issue Congress has ignored.

Those were the easy questions and likely you had little trouble coming up with answers.

Now tell me, can you name one issue Congress has solved?

Me neither and that's why I founded Term Limits for US Congress.

When those you elect to represent you cause problems, enflame problems, or ignore problems, but NEVER solve problems, it's time to change the rules of the game..

America needs Term Limits to stop the damage Career Politicians are doing to our nation!
<![CDATA[In the Noise of Sensationalist Events]]>Sun, 12 Jun 2022 13:15:21 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/in-the-noise-of-sensationalist-eventsThere is a reason that Term Limits for US Congress hasn't passed even though over 80% of Americans think it should.

Term Limits are in the noise of sensational events.

Let me explain.

There are always sensational events occurring, whether it be foreign wars, inflation, a virus, gun control, abortion, recession, open borders, or countless others. These sensational events create huge emotional responses in the public and so not surprisingly, the media latch on and provide 24/7 coverage.

While the public's attention is forcibly held by the media and politicians on these sensational events, there is little energy left to cover the long-standing problems such as corruption in Congress. The public's thoughts are "We'll get to term limits when we finish with this sensational event that needs to be addressed right now."

The problem is there is ALWAYS another sensational event. And, if once doesn't exist or is not sensational enough, the politicians and media will fan the flames, exaggerate the event, or if necessary, lie and create the event, because without a sensational event, they lose the ability to hold and control the public's attention and reaction.

The result?

No one is looking down in the noise where the core of so many problems lies.

We NEED to get rid of the career politicians ruining our nation; being bought by lobbyists; becoming rich while they sell off the average American as a captured market...

We must find that the will to make Term Limits for US Congress happen regardless of how many sensational events the politicians and media throw before us.
<![CDATA[Polarization & Sensationalism Have Made Term Limits a Necessity]]>Fri, 25 Mar 2022 20:53:39 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/polarization-sensationalism-have-made-term-limits-a-necessityForty years ago, moderates controlled the nation and the two parties agreed 58% of the time.  While Term Limits even then would have flattened the power structure in Congress and avoided just a senior few from deciding how the entire parties would vote, there was still enough overlap to create an environment in which individual politicians could be held accountable for their personal actions.
At that time, should a politician be flagrantly corrupt or disassociated with his/her constituents, a voter in the poll would likely say, “My senator is a scumbag. I would rather vote across party lines since the other party agrees with me the majority of the time, than to re-elected this scumbag.”
But, the world has changed greatly from the days when personally accountability still held some sway.
Technology has developed into a public need for instant gratification.  With a 24/7 news cycle, the media requires constant sensationalism to hold the public’s attention and if no sensational events exist, they will exaggerate or enflame anything to keep us watching.
This need for sensationalism has led to the continuous increase in polarizing the two parties so that now what was a 58% overlap in ideologies has decreased literally to 0%. In the eyes of the politicians in Congress, this is great news, because the greater the polarization, the less personal accountability remains. The news outlets pick a side because moderation doesn’t create sensationalism.  Once they pick their side, they exaggerate and lambast the other, working the viewers into a froth.
Now a voter goes into the poll and says, “My senator is a scumbag, but there’s no way I will ever vote for someone from the evil party.”
Where before there were those who might argue that Term Limits for US Congress weren’t necessary, the polarization and sensationalism have left us no choice.
America needs Term Limits for US Congress and we can’t wait much longer.
<![CDATA[Why Donate to TL4USC?]]>Tue, 04 Jan 2022 05:00:00 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/why-donate-to-tl4usc
We're all so jaded by the scams out there that as soon as someone asks for a donation, we're like "WHY should I donate my hard-earned money to YOU?"

So, let me take a second and explain why we need the money and we are NOT a scam. First of all, we are a grassroots movement composed of everyday Americans unlike the other major players in the Term Limits arena who have political backers or have been lobbying for 30 years building a donor base. If you have any doubts, feel free to check with the FEC. We are a registered Political Action Committee.

That makes us great in that we aren't on anyone's leash and we have no other priorities other than adding a Term Limits for US Congress Amendment to the Constitution. The bad news? We're as broke as you are and only a few of us have been forking out our own money to keep things going.

Some of you may wonder why we need money, so let me give you an example.

Let's say we want the Arizona State Legislature to send an application to Congress for an Article 5 Convention solely for Term Limits. And, let's say we've collected 100,000 petition signatures in Arizona.

Well, we've got our headquarters in Harrisonburg, Virginia. We have to send three of our people to Arizona and we better plan on them being there for up to a few weeks because this whole thing has to go through a committee before it even goes to the house & senate floors for a vote.  So, we're talking travel costs, hotels, food, a rental car (They'll have to share the car.).

Once they are there, they've got to deliver the petitions to the 30 State Senators and the 60 State Representatives in the Arizona State Legislature.  Needless to say, they couldn't carry all those petitions on the plane, so first they'll have to find a print shop and get them printed out.

For each State Legislator, they'll have to have 10,000 sheets of 10 signature petitions printed out. And, they'll have to print those 10,000 sheets 90 TIMES so they can deliver to EACH member of the State Legislature.
That's a total of 900,000 printouts.  Staples charges $0.13 per sheet.
That would be $117,000 just to print out all the petitions for one state.

That is just a simple example, but you get the idea.  Changing the course of a nation is EXPENSIVE and we don't want to be on any party's strings, which means YOU need to help us cover these costs so we can remain non-partisan and focused SOLELY on adding a Term Limits Amendment to the Constitution.

The good news? If EVERYONE who supports term limits pitches in $10 or $20, it will add up quick.

This is something we can do, but it won't happen while people sit on the sidelines.  EVERYONE has to step forward on something this important.

Bob Reid
Founder/Executive Director
Term Limits for US Congress-PAC
<![CDATA[RECOGNIZING A "REAL" PETITION]]>Fri, 24 Dec 2021 05:00:00 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/december-28th-2020The legal definition of a Petition is:
"A written application to a governing body requesting an action be taken by the governing body."

This definition is incredibly important to know and understand because there are many who trick people out of their personal contact information by declaring what they are signing is a Petition when there is in fact no intent to use the signee's information to petition for an action.  This fraudulent behavior has left many people jaded towards signing Petitions and is in fact illegal in many States where such action is defined as fraud in which false pretense is used to obtain anything of value including personal information.

There are a few elements you can watch for to ensure you are not being tricked and you can present these elements to those who are skeptical to sign the Term Limits for US Congress Petition for the same reason.

1. Does the Petition specifically define "who" the Petition is intended to be submitted to? If there is no clearly defined intention of submitting the Petition to a governing body, it is NOT a legitimate Petition as defined by law.

2. Does the Petition request an action be taken by the governing body/authority defined in #1 above? A Petition, by legal definition, must ask a governing body/authority to perform an action. If no requested action is stated, it is NOT a legitimate Petition as defined by law.

The above 2 are the necessities to define a legal petition.

What you can also look for beyond the 2 above are qualifiers for the signee included in the petition.

Examples of this would be the beginning of our petition in which it states, "I the undersigned, being 18 years old or older and a legal resident of the state provided in this e-petition form"

With the defined intent of the Petition to be submitted to Legislators of a State, asking said Legislators to perform a specific action in their State, common sense requires qualifiers to be added to let the Legislators know the signee is both an adult and a resident of the State.

Stop and think about it. If in the Petition you are not stating you are an adult and a legal resident of the address you are supplying, why would the Legislator care that you signed?  You could just as easily be a 14 year old from another country rather than a constituent of the Legislator.

Keep these in mind. Mining for personal data, whether to be sold to others or simply to be used as a contact list to request donations from, is very common.

We at Term Limits for US Congress-PAC are the only organization I am currently aware of that is collecting Petition signatures with the intent of presenting the Petitions to State Legislators.]]>
<![CDATA[Living Life in a Fishbowl]]>Tue, 14 Dec 2021 05:00:00 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/living-life-in-a-fishbowlWe tend to live our lives in a fishbowl, our personal reality.  Our time and attention are monopolized by our daily routines.  Our jobs, our family, our friends, and our responsibilities leave little room for much else.
We are so consumed with our fishbowl that we seldom think to look beyond its walls; not realizing that there is an insidious threat creeping ever closer.  It is only when it reaches into our bowl that we react, but by then it is too late.
Our government was designed to represent us; to answer to our demands and our needs; to serve us as the term ‘public servant’ directly implies.
Those days are long past.
Over the years the change has occurred subtly.  Changing so slowly that few notice while swimming through their personal reality.  The threat is now upon us.  There is no more pretending that our lives are exempt from the actions of our government.
The US Congress has evolved from representation of the people to self-presentation.  They have become what our forefathers feared the most and fought for our freedom.  They have become an aristocracy.
Some might feel that to be a dramatic statement, but I challenge you to deny its accuracy.
Read the actual definition:
1. people of highest social class: people of noble families or the highest social class
2. superior group: a group believed to be superior to all others of the same kind
3. government by elite: government of a country by a small group of people, especially a hereditary nobility
535 people, 382 of whom are millionaires, spend in some cases as long as 20, 30, or 40 years making decisions that benefit themselves and building their power and wealth, often to the detriment of the public.  Instead of representing our wishes and needs, they continue to take more of our earnings.  They tell us what to buy, what to eat, what to say, and how to act.  We are being ruled, not represented. It can be defined as nothing other than an aristocracy.
Our government has reached the point that they feel secure enough with their power that they can begin to OPENLY rule the people. We have reached a critical stage.  If we do not break the aristocracy of the US Congress now, we may find ourselves without the strength to do so in the future.
With the degree of wealth and influence that the career politicians have obtained, we cannot stop them with elections.  With so many Americans swimming in their fishbowls, oblivious to the threat, re-elections are easily achieved at a 95% re-election rate due to name recognition, party support, and media exposure prior to the elections paid for by the lobbyists.
There is only one way.  TERM LIMITS FOR US CONGRESS.
We cannot allow politicians to make the US Congress a career.  We cannot allow a politician to spend 20, 30, or 40 years building an insurmountable power base.
Article 5 provides the option for amending the Constitution without the approval of Congress.  When requested by 34 States for a specific topic, an Article 5 Convention is convened.  At the Convention the verbiage of the Amendment is hashed out, then voted on, and if it passes, is sent back to the states where it must be ratified by 38 States, then becomes part of the Constitution without ANY INVOLVEMENT OR APPROVAL FROM THE US CONGRESS.
We WILL use this option to impose Term Limits on the US Congress and eliminate the power and corruption of Career Politicians.
We estimate it will take 3 to 5 million petition signatures to pressure the State Legislatures into using this option.
<![CDATA[30 SECONDS to Change a Nation]]>Thu, 12 Aug 2021 04:00:00 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/30-seconds-to-change-a-nationIt's that simple.  What so many believe is impossible can be done with 30 seconds.

Don't believe me?

Let me explain.

A US Senate election can be won or lost by a million votes.
A US House of Representative election can be won or lost by 10s of thousand of votes.

But, when you get down to State Legislator positions, their elections can be won or lost by a few hundred votes.  When you get to this level, a strong stance by their constituents keeps them on their toes and wary of the impact to their next election.

Imagine if you were a state house member and you won your last election by 200 votes.  Imagine a few people walk into your office and drop five boxes on your desk, a total of 10,000 sheets of petitions each with 10 signatures.

Imagine how you would feel if that total of 100,000 of YOUR constituents were telling you to do something and you thought again of how you barely kept your job last election by 200 votes...

Our goal is to collect 5 Million Petition Signatures, which averages out to 100,000 signatures per state, requesting the State Legislatures to apply for an Article 5 Convention for the sole purpose of adding an Amendment to the US Constitution placing Term Limits for US Congress. And, let me add, the 2nd Option of Article 5 allows the States to add a Term Limits Amendment to the US Constitution WITHOUT Congress's approval.

It's that simple. IF every American Citizen who is fed up with the disconnect and corruption in the US Congress pitches in their 30 seconds to sign the petition, we can Change Our Nation.

Have you given your 30 seconds?

<![CDATA[Three Reasons State Legislators Support Term Limits in US Congress]]>Wed, 30 Jun 2021 04:00:00 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/three-reasons-state-legislators-support-term-limits-in-us-congressThere are a few questions that tend to come up repeatedly in regards to using Article 5 to impose Term Limits on the US Congress without their approval. One of the most frequent questions we receive is: 
 "Why would aspiring State Legislators support Term Limits in the US Congress if it would potentially limit their future careers in Congress?"
We have three primary reasons State Legislators will support our efforts.


When the 17th Amendment was passed, the States lost their voices in Congress. Where before Senators represented the State government, now being elected by popular vote changed their allegiance solely to themselves and their party, whose support they needed to continue their career in Congress.

Since the change of that dynamic, Congress has continuously usurped authority from the States. Rather than 50 sovereign States, they have worked to mold the country into a single state governed by the federal government.

The States are sick of this and have a continuously growing resentment towards the federal government's encroachment. The 10th Amendment was intended to keep this from happening by limiting the federal government's authority to "only" what had been defined in the Constitution, but without a voice in Congress, the states have felt powerless to fight back as Congress extends their authority beyond their documented limitations.

It is true that some state legislators aspire to move into the US Congress, but those who will are a very small percentage of the State legislators. Knowing this, the majority of State legislators are much more concerned about their own authority within their own State and the majority are more than willing to take actions to break the backbone of authority in the US Congress, which is the first step in regaining their State sovereignty.

If you were part of the legislators in Michigan, wouldn't you be thrilled to have an Amendment in place that would give Debbie Stabenow the boot and open the door into the Senate for yourself and others? Many feel this way.

If you look at the statistics, it is nearly impossible to vote an incumbent out of office as long as the incumbent has the wealth and party support to buy re-elections.  As an aspiring legislator, you know this.  You know that it could be generations before a seat opens up in the Senate.

And, when a seat finally opens, if you don’t win the election, it may be another 30 or 40 years until the opportunity comes around again.

Most State Legislators won’t see term limits on the US Congress as a limitation to their personal careers, but rather as a long-awaited and mandated opportunity for more than one person to lead their State in their lifetimes.

The original design of Congress was for the House of Representatives to represent the will of the people, hence X number of people per representative and the Senate was designed to provide equal representation for the 50 States, hence 2 Senators per State.

Most States support the concept of term limits due to the fact that equal representation in the Senate no longer exists.

Seniority Equals Power in the Senate.

The rules of the Senate state that a person with seniority is ENTITLED to preferential treatment in issues such as committee selections and positions of authority. 

The framing of the Constitution did not take into consideration the concept of Career Politicians. Originally, people did their service in Congress, then went home and back to their lives.

That is no longer the case. Regardless of whether a person is continuously re-elected due to party support, name recognition, or Lobbyist money, the longer he/she is in the Senate, the more powerful he/she becomes based on the rules of the Senate.

Now look at that through the eyes of the Texas Legislators. A person like Chuck Schumer, who has been in Congress 27 years, has FAR MORE POWER in the Senate than their Senator, Ted Cruz, who has only been in the Senate for a few years. 

Even a Senator from Schumer's own party, such as Elizabeth Warren(MA), has less authority than Reid due to seniority. 

This is not EQUAL representation in the Senate for each State!

Term Limits will guarantee that NO State can overpower the other States in the Senate by continuously re-electing an incumbent and maintaining seniority in the Senate.
<![CDATA[Memorial Day- Our Pact With the Fallen Soldiers]]>Mon, 31 May 2021 20:50:22 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/memorial-day-our-pact-with-the-fallen-soldiersMemorial Day is remembering and paying respect for those who gave their lives for our freedom, but it is so much more.

With their ultimate sacrifice they have entered into a pact with the rest of Americans. They have said, “I have given my life to ensure the foreign enemies cannot invade our nation.” And, in respect for their sacrifice and in answer to what they have given, it is our responsibility to confront the enemies who would destroy our nation from within.

We are surrounded by these enemies and their tools are often much more devious than the typical weapons of war our soldiers have faced.

Dipping into the realm of behavioral psychology, you find 1% of people are psychopaths and 2 to 3% of people are sociopaths. Combining the two means there are as many as 12 MILLION Americans who feel little or no empathy towards others and little or no remorse for the harm they bring to anyone.

These 12 MILLION seek power and are drawn to positions of authority and influence such as politicians and attorneys. They are in our government, in Congress, in the upper echelon of corporations and special interest groups. They do not care what damage they do to those around them or to our very nation as they strive each day to expand their web of influence.

They chip away at the foundation of our nation, one precedent, one crime, one bit of disinformation at a time.

With technology they have found a path to millions easily influenced and willing to do their destructive bidding regardless of the ethics or logic that would typically undermine their goals. They simply spread a lie or two and call to those whose hearts are filled with rage and hatred.

These millions are so vocal, so aggressive, and so willing to attack any who those guiding them point to that most Americans have become quiet rather than risk becoming the target of the mob.

The sociopaths and psychopaths in the government, the media, the corporations, and the special interest groups see how fear has so easily silenced the voice of the majority of Americans and are dancing with glee at the lack of accountability for their unethical and in many cases illegal actions.

You see, We the People, have failed in our end of the pact with the Fallen Soldiers. We the People have taken the easy way out, remaining silent.

THIS is why I founded Term Limits for US Congress-PAC. Breaking the cycle of corruption at the top will be one step towards the recovery of our nation.

NOW it is up to you! Are you going to step up and be involved or will you sit silently by and watch our nation crumble from the corruption within?

The founders knew this day might come, which is why they added a 2nd Option in Article 5 of the US Constitution which allows the states to add an Amendment to the Constitution WITHOUT going through Congress. NOW we must convince the states to use this option.

There are three ways you can help.
1- Sign the petition.
a. You can sign the e-petition online
b. Or, you can download the petition from our website and get your friends and family to sign it as well.
c. In each state there are legislators who support what we’re doing, those who don’t, and those sitting on the fence. We are estimating roughly 50,000 signatures per state will influence enough of the fence-sitters to get this done.

2- Volunteer to help.
a. Something this size is equivalent or larger than presidential campaign and there is a lot of work to do.

3- Donate a few bucks.
a. Traveling to DC and the states is expensive. Copying the petitions is expensive. EVERYTHING is expensive and if we want this to happen on a relatively short timeline, which is the only option in our eyes, it becomes even more expensive. We are normal people just like you, living on fixed incomes, and we cannot fund this alone.

You have heard Kennedy’s famous quote, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”

THIS is it. This is the time where we must all step forward and begin fixing our country.

Bob Reid
Founder/Executive Director
Term Limits for US Congress- PAC

<![CDATA[Lobbying- The Good, Bad, & Ugly]]>Wed, 17 Feb 2021 19:41:11 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/lobbying-the-good-bad-uglyCorporations, Special Interest Groups, & Foreign Countries spend $3.2 BILLION each year lobbying Congress.  That is the UGLY. They are spending SOOOO much they are in effect buying Congress.

But, lobbying is not ALL bad and it is written into the Constitution for a reason.  The concept of lobbying is the "right" of the people to approach members of our government and voice our thoughts. This is a "right" we should all support. This is the GOOD.  It is only when the big money comes into play that they have perverted the intent.

With that in mind, what we should be looking at is how to put some restrictions on lobbying such as the amount of money spent, past members of Congress becoming lobbyists, and family members of sitting Congress members being lobbyists.

Here is the BAD. Seniority equals Authority in Congress and once lobbyists get their hooks in a member of Congress, they'll spend a fortune making sure that Congress person stays in Congress, getting more powerful with each passing year and burrowing deeper and deeper into the pockets of the lobbyists paying to keep them there.

So, the most powerful members of Congress, the ones who have been there the longest, the ones who tell their entire parties how to vote on legislation, the ones who are most likely in bed with the lobbyists, will NEVER let legislation pass that limits their relationship with the lobbyists.

You know where this is going...  And, this is the point in my research years ago that I came to the conclusion the ONLY way to break the cycle of corruption is to add a Term Limits for US Congress Amendment to the US Constitution.

Bob Reid
Founder/Executive Director
​Term LImits for US Congress-PAC
<![CDATA[Modern Slavery in America]]>Sun, 14 Feb 2021 16:32:00 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/february-14th-2021“The time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves.”
George Washington
“The shackles of slavery need not be forged of iron.
Submission need not be achieved through violence.
One need only seek an element required for survival.  Upon achieving control of such an element, an entire society may be brought to its knees in submission.”
Bob Reid
Founder/Executive Director
Term Limits for US Congress-PAC
In today’s society, survival is determined by money.  We use it to feed ourselves; to buy our clothing; to pay for our shelter; and to protect ourselves.  Money has become the element through which a few can control the many.
As the powerful industries and corporations spend billions to assure that legislation passed by Congress supports their needs, they slowly suppress the income of the average American further below the cost of living each year, while the income of the elite soars steadily higher. 
A person who is forced into dependence upon the government for survival must become submissive.  He must adorn the shackles of slavery if he wishes to be fed; if he wishes to be clothed; if he wishes for shelter; for should he rebel, he places his survival at risk.
The voting system is broken, governed and manipulated by money.  If we sit idly by and allow Congress to maintain its existing course until such time as a majority of Americans finding themselves dependent upon the government for survival; we will have crossed into a nation of slavery from which there is no return but violence.
We do have an option that remains.  It is so simple in nature, yet so difficult to accomplish while many remain encapsulated in their personal lives, never recognizing or accepting the fact that the risk to their futures and the futures of those they love is imminent and all-consuming.
With the use of Article 5, we can impose Term Limits on the US Congress, without their approval.  We can break the long-standing ties with the lobbyists and industries.  We can bring in new people, who have not yet succumbed to the temptations, and with a more representative government, we can begin passing legislation to limit the power of the industries in the governance of our nation.
<![CDATA[Pay for Life is a Myth]]>Thu, 21 Jan 2021 20:04:48 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/pay-for-life-is-a-mythA myth that has been going around for many years is a member of Congress will receive full pay and benefits for the rest of their lives after serving a single term.  You will be glad to know it is in fact a myth.

Members of Congress receive the same contributory retirement plan as every other federal worker.  The myth sprung up because members of Congress were spending 30, 40, or even 50 years in Congress.  By the time they left, they were well past retirement age and had been contributing to the retirement plan for 30 or 40 years.

So, of course they were immediately eligible to start receiving payments and the payments were impressive.

Once there is a Term Limits Amendment for the US Congress added to the Constitution, they will only be in Congress for a much shorter time, so many won't be old enough to start collecting when they leave and even when they are old enough, there will be much less in their contributory plan to draw from.

While I'm talking about the pay for life myth, let me throw in one more thought.

Some will say there should be either no pay for Congressional Service or no retirement plan option.  Before you jump on that bandwagon, keep in mind reducing pay or benefits would close the door to normal folks like or me from running... At that point ONLY those already rich would be able to serve in Congress.

​"The bane of a politician is a knowledgeable voter."
<![CDATA[Hardcopy Petition v E-Petition]]>Tue, 12 Jan 2021 16:46:34 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/hardcopy-petition-v-e-petitionMany ask whether an e-petition is an acceptable alternative in our work towards adding a Term Limits for US Congress Amendment to the US Constitution. Yes it is and I will explain why.

The only ways to add an Amendment to the US Constitution are defined in Article 5 of the US Constitution and neither can be done with a vote on a ballot.  One option is done through a vote in Congress and then ratification by 38 States.

The second option is when 34 States call for an Article 5 Convention for a topic. At the convention the topic is discussed and the verbiage of the Amendment defined, then voted on.  If it passed the vote at the convention, it must then be ratified by 38 States just like the first option.

Now here is where the discussion of hardcopy v e-petition comes in.  IF you are trying to put something on a ballot for the people to vote on, most States require a hardcopy petition signature. But, in a case such as adding an Amendment to the Constitution, since the only options do not include the ability for people to vote on it, a "formal" petition is not required. An "informal" petition, which can be either hardcopy or e-petition, does the job.

The point of the petition signatures is to submit the petitions to the State Legislators when requesting that they apply for an Article 5 Convention for Term Limits.

Since State level elections are often won or lost by a few thousand votes, setting a stack of 100,000 petition signatures from constituents in the legislator's State carries a great deal of pressure.

We have set a goal of 3 to 5 million signatures nationwide.  That averages 100,000 signatures per state, which we believe will provide the pressure to push the State Legislators to support applying for an Article 5 Convention for Term Limits.
<![CDATA[Non-Partisan or Fail! Your Choice...]]>Thu, 07 Jan 2021 14:37:10 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/non-partisan-or-fail-your-choiceIf we can't compartmentalize our emotions and opinions when wearing our Term Limits hats, WE WILL FAIL!!!

The founders made it difficult to add an Amendment to the Constitution. They wanted the Constitution to be a solid foundation for our nation, not a flag flying in the wind, shifting and changing on a whim.

For this reason they set some tough qualifications to meet in Article 5, which is the process for adding Constitutional Amendments.

The second option of Article 5, the option we need to add a Term Limits Amendment to the Constitution since we know Congress won't limit themselves, requires 34 States to apply for an Article 5 Convention for a specific topic and if the Amendment passes at the Convention it must be ratified by 38 States to become part of the Constitution.

There are NOT 34 or 38 States that lean to the Left. There are NOT 34 or 38 States that lean to the Right. We must ALL work together to SUCCEED!

There is so much anger, strife, and division today, fanned by the politicians and the media. They want it this way.  The media makes money off of sensationalism and the politicians, no matter how corrupt, have no fear of personal accountability while we are divided and fighting each other.

To SUCCEED, to add a Term Limits Amendment to the US Constitution, when we wear our Term Limits hats, we must look at those beside us as Term Limits Supporters, and look no further.

To SUCCEED, we must stand together as Americans, fighting for a goal that crosses all political divides, and leave the division  for another time.

When you are not wearing your Term Limits Hat, be yourself. But, when wearing the hat, it is both worth it and necessary to set your partisanship aside because it is the only way we will SUCCEED in returning Congress to the service it was intended to be rather than the lucrative career it has become!

Bob Reid
Founder/Executive Director
Term Limits for US Congress- PAC]]>
<![CDATA[A True Grassroots Movement]]>Sun, 03 Jan 2021 23:28:00 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/a-true-grassroots-movementThis organization epitomizes a true grassroots movement and while the idea and passion have been there from the very beginning, we have spent the last 4 years painfully learning how much more it takes to succeed in organizing and managing a national movement.

I couldn't begin to count the bumps and bruises, the pain and frustration, the walls we've run into, and the times we've fallen on our faces over these years. We've learned even with the best ideas and passion, progress can come to a grinding halt with single-point failures or the wrong person in a position.

Our learning isn't over, nor will it ever be. Learning, flexibility, and support for one another will be part of every step we take.

We have learned. We are organized. We are focused. And, we are ready to move forward in this next phase of a truly monumental and necessary movement to change the course of our nation by adding a Term Limits for US Congress Amendment to the US Constitution.

What is truly inspiring is not only  the new faces stepping on board to make this happen, but the many who were involved in the beginning, who are returning as we begin to move forward.

Together we will succeed!

And, I can't begin to tell you how much I respect every one of you who has become part of this movement.

Bob Reid
Founder/Executive Director
Term Limits for US Congress-PAC
<![CDATA[NEITHER Party cares about You!]]>Thu, 24 Dec 2020 16:25:40 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/neither-party-cares-about-youBOTH Parties point at the other and declare vehemently the other Party doesn't care about you.

What we have known all along, but now has been proven, is NEITHER Party cares about the welfare or opinions of the Average American.

Two professors got together and reviewed every decision made by Congress for 20 years.  During that 20 years, both Parties spent time in control of the House & Senate simultaneously, so split houses is not an excuse for either party.

The conclusion of the study was that the input/opinions of the bottom 90% OF INCOME EARNERS had ZERO impact on Congressional decisions across the entire period.

Unless you have the money to spend time in their offices, contribute to their campaigns, or possibly line their pockets, in the eyes of Career Politicians in BOTH Parties you are not worth their time or attention...

When they ignore 90% of Americans, they have proven they do not represent their constituents. Until we take the careers out of Congress, money will be the ONLY voice heard on Capitol Hill.]]>
<![CDATA[Term Limits for US Congress-PAC blog]]>Mon, 21 Dec 2020 05:00:00 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/facts-to-consider82% of Americans support the idea of adding a Term Limits for US Congress Amendment to the US Constitution. But, getting 82% of Americans to work together across all party lines, affiliations, and beliefs is a much more difficult task.  To do this requires truth, transparency, and just as important, education.

Once some of the basic questions and issues are understood and some of the disinformation is exposed, working towards this goal becomes much easier as those we speak to realize we are basing what we say on fact, not opinion or fiction.

This is where we will touch on the most common topics and questions you are likely to hear or wonder about regarding Term Limits for US Congress.

<![CDATA[Congress- How Many Sociopaths?]]>Tue, 01 Dec 2020 05:00:00 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/congress-how-many-sociopathsThink that's crazy?  Did you know 2 to 3% of People are Sociopaths?

In a country our size that means there are an estimated 7 to 10 MILLION Sociopaths.

That is 7 to 10 MILLION people right here in the United States who are drawn to power and money, don't care who they destroy to obtain it, and feel no remorse for unethical behavior. And, studies have shown attorneys and politicians are the second and third most preferred positions sociopaths covet.

Now apply the above to the US Congress where they are all politicians and the majority are attorneys. The average net worth of a US Senator goes up $1.6 MILLION annually on a $174,000 salary and the average net worth of a member of the US House of Representatives goes up $1.1 MILLION annually on a $174,000 salary.  The majority of Congress, House & Senate, retire as multi-millionaires. And, while in Congress, they hold one of 535 of the most POWERFUL positions in the world...

So ask yourself, how many sociopaths are drawn to Congress, knowing they will become rich and powerful and knowing once elected, statistics show they can stay as long as they want because they will be in a position that has a 95% re-election rate no matter how corrupt and unethical they are?

Think of the decisions and actions taken by Congress. Think of how often they throw the Average American under the bus.  And, with the rule of "Seniority Equals Authority" in Congress, they sit there like spiders in their webs, becoming more powerful, more dangerous, and more untouchable with each passing year.

Based on their environment and actions, don't you wonder how many in the US Congress are Sociopaths?

THIS is why we need Term Limits for US Congress!

Bob Reid
Founder/Executive Director
Term LImits for US Congress-PAC]]>
<![CDATA[Career Politician Corruption from a Psychological Perspective]]>Sun, 23 Jul 2017 02:09:31 GMThttp://termlimitsforuscongress.com/tl4usc--blog/pp1-margin-00px-00px-00px-00px-font-120px-helvetica-neue-color-000000-career-politician-corruption-and-disconnect-from-a-psychological-perspectiveDURATION TO TEMPTATION INCREASES CORRUPTION

We’ve been saying it for years, but is it cynicism or is it true?
It is TRUE!
There have been a number of psychological studies performed on the subject of Temptation.  The results of these studies have been used in marketing for many years with a great deal of success.

The irrefutable conclusion drawn from each study is that the duration of temptation is directly related to the potential for succumbing to temptation.  The longer you are exposed to temptation, the more likely you are to give in.

Think what that means if you are a member of Congress.  From the moment you first step foot in the door, you are entering a world of temptation.

You have entered the only domain in which insider trading, while still illegal, is difficult to prove in court.  You are involved in votes and committees where the outcome can directly affect your financial future.  You are surrounded constantly by lobbyists, corporations, and entire industries who are more than willing to pay for your future elections and provide you unlimited opportunities to gain money and power if you only support their desires.

Many of us are skeptical about the morality of career politicians in the first place, but skepticism aside, regardless of the most sound moral structure, how long will it be before you give in that first time?  Maybe you will hold strong for years.  Maybe you will give in just that once after a few years, telling yourself that it’s just once and it’s not going to hurt anything.  How long until you give in that second time?  Each time you give in to temptation it becomes a little easier to give in the next.  You might tell yourself that you’re justified siding with the corporations, because their money will keep you in office, and you know that while you are in office you can do great things.

No matter how you try to justify your motives, the longer you remain in Congress, the more corrupt you are likely to become.

This is not conjecture. This is not a cynical theory. This is proven behavioral psychology.

It is time that we take the first step to limit this temptation.  The self-admitted irresponsibility of the majority of voters will not turn over the members of Congress.  Statistics have shown that once in Congress, they are in for life if they have the money and their party’s support.

The single most significant step in limiting this temptation is by limiting their time in Congress.

They won’t do it to themselves.  It is up to us.
